Miyerkules, Oktubre 30, 2013

Post 8: Being Free from Trauma

All trauma victims only wants was being free from the painful memories that they've experience. All of us, wants to become worry less, fearless, be happy, and live like a normal person. We want to live the way normal people lived. But how trauma victims can turn their lives into a normal life agian. Yes, they can forget all their painful memories but they can still remember and it can happen in any time. This bad memories can hit you in any time. How Trauma victims can be free from this hardships? How can we help them? And how long to heal this painful experience. 

I have read an article entitled Ten Steps to Healing from Trauma written by Martin V Cohen from the website of martinvcohen, he stated: (1) Recognize that your symptoms are normal reactions to abnormal circumstances. Although you feel your like out of control or going crazy, in reality, you are experiencing what are called Post Traumatic Stress symptoms. (2) Talk about your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the events with the people you trust. Keep talking about it until you have no need to talk it any more.(3) Do whatever it takes to create a feeling of safety and tranquillity in your immediate environment. Do you need to sleep with a night light on for awhile? Can you develop a discipline of meditation or listening to soothing music. (4) As much as possible, resume your normal activities and routines, the sooner you resume this routines, the more normal your life will feel.(5) After trauma of-course your in the state of recovery process. Give yourself the proper rest, nutrition, and exercise.(6) Take an affirmative action. Like striking out the perpetrator with words and you can write it down on your journal. (7) Be aware of your emotional triggers and learn to cope with them creatively. Talk to yourself positively or calming yourself. (8) Try to find some deeper meaning in what happened to you on what have you learned from your traumatic experience then record these insight on your journal or voice them in a support group that is sympathetic to your situation. (9) If you are always feeling anxious and can't stop thinking about your bad experience, try to ask help to the professionals who specializes trauma. (10)  And last be patient to yourself. Healing takes time. 

For me the most helpful steps in being a victim of trauma is talk to yourself because you are the one who will start the healing process. You will be the one who will help yourself in this situation. It's true that talking to yourself can give you calmness and confidence to start a new life and forget all bad memories. 

 I read a poem story from a little girl named Leah who experience a traumatic event entitled "The Princess who became Real" from the website of Making Moves . If you read her poem it was very simple but if you look at the back of the poem, it has meaning. The meaning is being a lost little girl. Let me show some lines of her poem: 

"But one morning she woke up and saw she had left herself in body. She saw herself outside cold and pinched and stiff in the snow."

"She ran and ran across the whole world."

"When the princess was born she was taken and left at the entrance to a great maze."

This poem story was a part of her healing process. It is already said that voice out what you feel or write it down on your journal. Leah expressed her feelings through writing a poem or story of her experience which help her to overcome it. And through her group,they was helping Leah and other trauma victims to write a story or poem to express their feelings. Through this activities, trauma victims finds another thing to focus their mind on the positive side not on their painful memories. 

According to the second article that I've read, entitled Approaches to Trauma Healing studied by University of Colorado at the website of Beyond Intractability states that the first thing must people who care provide is must feel to trauma victim that he/ she in the safe place. A feeling of safety can help a victims to open up and reveal her/ his experience.  Retelling of one's story can be therapeutic and allow those memories to be incorporated into the victim's life story. When the story is told in the presence of the other, it can lead to acknowledgement, apology, forgiveness, and reconnection. And they also stated that the person or the group must listen to the trauma victim with attentiveness, respect, and compassionately to feel the trauma victim the trust in that group.

Conquering your fear is one of your dreams. Am I right? All we want is to be fearless. No one wants to be scared, of-course. How much more to this people who have deep fear which we called trauma. They can't help themselves because they, themselves are their enemy. They can't fight to painful memories because these memories are making flashback to their minds.  Not just conquering fear is what they want but the most thing they want is to return their normal life and being free from those painful memories. Yes, the steps to overcome trauma that I've read in article are easy to do but to those trauma victim, it's not easy to them. They need our help. Let we, the person who will voice them. And if we meet this kind of people, let we feel them that we are the trust worthy persons and they are in the safe place.
"Fear is a mind Killer" sated by Frank Herbert

Linggo, Oktubre 27, 2013

Post 7: What is Early Childhood Trauma?

Early Childhood Trauma is the main topic of my blog. Actually, my first choice was Trauma only because I'm very curious about trauma. Like, why it affects personality, why it doesn't end, and why some are can't overcome it. But my Professor told me that their must be specific trauma I must study that's why I choose about children's trauma because I remember a movie that I've watched, it's title is "Every Child is Special". It's story was a child who have dyslexia that his parents doesn't know about it and acting strangely, so in this topic I will know and we will know why some adults are acting strangely maybe it's because of their childhood days that they've experience some painful memories. And last is because I love children, I am currently a Sunday School teacher, sometimes we noticed some children are hard to pleased and they act strangely from their siblings so it's make me curious about the possibility circumstances that child are going through like Early Childhood Trauma.

The definition of Early Childhood Trauma:
According to the article of Early Childhood Trauma by The National Child Traumatic Stress Network at the website of NCTSN stated that it generally refers to the traumatic experiences that occur to children aged 0-6. Because infants and young children's reaction may be different from older children's, and because they may not be able to verbalize their reactions to threatening or dangerous events.

How this Type of Trauma become unique?
As  with older children, young children experience both behavioural and psychological symptoms associated with trauma. Unlike older children cannot express in words whether they feel afraid, overwhelmed, or helpless. However, behaviours provide us with important clues about how they are affected.

How it Affects Child Development?
According to the article of How Traumatic Events Affects Child Development by Amy Morin from the website of Mom.me state that there are many factors of a child that can be affected like, behaviour,  mood regulation, physical development, cognitive development, attachment and etc. 

In behaviour, most of children are not good in verbalizing their feelings, their behavioural changes often indicate they are struggling to deal with traumatic event. They can be more aggressive, impulsivity, and self destructive behaviour. Mood regulation, traumatic events can affect children's mood and their ability to regulate their emotions. Increased outburst and tantrums to their emotions change quickly. They may developed coping skills to help them survive the repeated trauma that cause them to appear numb to emotions. Physical development, they may become hypersensitive to physical contact, some kids who have been reported traumatized most of them have somatic symptoms such as stomach ache and headaches. Cognitive development, children can experience learning difficulties and their speech and language may be delayed. Attachment, traumatized kids may become frightened of being separated with mother or nanny and tend to be over clingy. And they may isolate themselves and have difficulty asking adults for help. 

It's true that children are hard to express their feelings and sometimes we can't notice that this children are sufferings from trauma or psychological disorder. Because most of adults believe that they're too young to understand. However, young children are affected by traumatic events, even though they  may not understand what happened. And some believe that children can forget it if they'll play with friends and toys but what people don't know that their still remaining painful memories in child's memory though they may forget it but they still can remember it.
I have read a story of unknown 35 years old women from the website of Mental Help. She have an abusive alcoholic father and she always witness her father beaten her mother. After 10 years her father gave up in drinking alcohol but it was the beginning of her nightmare because she sexually abused by her father and later she found out that her father abused also her sister. Now, she's always have emotional and anger problems and whenever she was alone , she always remember the specific incident of the abuse, then it throws her into a deep feelings and sadness of loss. As a result of that experience, she really hate to be upset in front of other people. When she told her experience to her husband, it doesn't understand of her husband. The moment her husband knew it, her husband is like full of anger and pushing her away. 

She said until now she's like a scared little girl hiding in the closet or under the bed to escape her father. Whenever she was presented in challenges, she run away and hide from it.

"It feels like ruining my life and my marriage" stated by Unknown 35 years old woman.   

Sabado, Oktubre 26, 2013

Post 6: War Trauma Children

When we say war, what comes to our mind? Of-course unpeaceful, noisy, soldiers, guns, attack, fight, death, bloodshed, enemy, end of the world, etc. Their are many negative words that comes in our mind when we say war. Everyone doesn't want a war because war affects everything, like the beauty of city, the life of civilization, the lives of people, and the children who witness war or hears the firing guns. Not just it affects the normal life of children but it also affect the psychological mind of children which they can bring until they grown up. Until this affect of war became a fear that can be deepen and can goes to trauma disorder. As I said to my first blog that the earlier the trauma begins, the more impact it affects.

WAR? It is a state or period of fighting between countries or groups; a situation which people or groups compete with or fight against each other; a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism. This definition is according to Merriam Webster in the website of merriam-webster.

War Trauma? 
According to the article of New book on War Trauma and it's Aftermath posted by Medical Condition News| Healthcare News from the website of News Medical  stated that War Trauma has long been associated with PSTD, a term coined in 1980 to explain the post war impact on Vietnam veterans. While in the website of Go Mentor stated that War Trauma is another type of trauma and is one of the first ones recognized- is that caused by war. 

The symptoms of war trauma are similar to those found in other types of trauma. They revolve around the changes that occur in the brain while deployed. For example, soldiers need to think and react quickly to survive. Staying in this state of mind long periods of time isn't really necessary or helpful in civilian social settings.

I found a website named Unicef and it has an article, entitled The Trauma of War by Unicef Organizations. They conducted a survey of a children who had been traumatized by war in different ways on Sarajevo on 1993. It stated that almost one child in four has been wounded in conflict, UNICEF conducted a survey of 1,505 in the summer 1993. They found that 97 percent had experienced shelling nearby, 29 percent felt unbearable sorrow, 20 percent experience terrifying dreams. Some 55 percent had been shot by snipers, and 66 percent had been in the situation where they thought they would die.While in Angola survey on 1995 found that 66 percent of children had seen people being murdered, 91 percent saw dead bodies, 67 percent saw people being tortured.

They also stated that true horrific experience are so deeply disturbing, so overwhelming, that a child will try to suppress bad memories rather than confront them. But many trauma researchers believe that it is the repressions of memories and feelings that is the heart of trauma suffering in both the short and long term. 
"Time does not heal trauma. A child must be helped to express suffering and to confront bad memories, with the support and guidance of an empathic and informed adult. The very act of talking or writing about, or even acting out, traumatic events is a way for a child to begin healing and start on the road recovery" stated by UNICEF Organization. 
 War Trauma Story of a Child:
Mustafa meets with a Mercy Corps team member to talk
about his experience in Syria (war).
There was one worker at the activity centre of Mercy Corps Youth Program, they were helping people who had been traumatized at war in Syria especially a children. While on the activity of children was going on, he noticed a little boy who was standing alone and staring at nothing. He approached the little boy if he was ok but the boy didn't look him. As he was going closer to the little boy, he noticed that this boy had patches of grey, frail, and his brows was furrowed of worries. He was clearly a little boy but looked old. This little boy name was Mustafa

When the worker asked him to tell what happened in Syria he didn't answer the worker. He just look away and pretend not to hear. His eyes were dark and unreadable. He seemed to be holding terrible secrets inside. The worker tried another track to asked him if he had any sister or brothers. Slowly Mustafa replied an answer. Mustafa was living in a home on large plot of land at Syria. There family is near at weapons factory that was under the control of the government forces. Mustafa spent his days at school with his friends and taking care of his lambs. For the first two years of the conflict, there's no any significant of having a war but after 6 months, the Syrian army began to attack to try to take over the weapon's factory. The family found themselves that they're in the middle of war.

Mustafa recalled how the bombs falling near their house, her mother scream, and sisters crying. So the family decided to leave. Mustafa tried to go out to gather his lambs but his father forbade him and Mustafa sit silently and holding back a flood of tears. They arrive at Lebanon and rent a small space house. Mustafa and his siblings was not attending school the time they arrive at Lebanon. So Mustafa spend his days helping his parents. He misses his lamb and lonely of having no friends.

The time Mustafa was interviewed was the first time attending in Mercy Corps youth Program. And when Mustafa was leaving, he always promise that he'd back for the next session.

"The reality is that we don't know when the crisis will end. But when it does, these children will be the ones left to rebuild their lives and country" stated by Cassandra Nelson.
Mustafa's story was came from the article of Syria's Traumatized refugee Children will be the ones to Rebuild their Country by Cassandra Nelson in the website of CNN. 

It's hard to know that there's many children who experience suffering in psychological, financial, and physical. At their young and innocent mind they're already saw, hear, and feel the hardships in their country. Others are affected physically and some are died. What I feel during reading the story of children who had been traumatized by war was like hurting my heart. Because imagine, at their young age they had been tortured emotionally, had been lost their innocent mind, and loosing the opportunity to enjoy being a child. Because for me, the most enjoyable time of my life was being a child coz I don't feel any worries, pressure, frightened, all I do was play with friends, laugh, feel the love of my parents, and receive many toys and gifts. I was too blessed for having not experience that.

I was like "What kind of government does Syria have?".  Syria's government should checked first if their was family living in war affected areas before they decided to attacked they're enemies. What are happening in the world now? Can you imagine that.

This photo is a 6 years old child, draws violent and painful memories of Syria in his work book.

As long as you can protect a children and avoid them in painful experience, do it. Though your not a parent or grandparent, we must help each other to protect them. Because children is our future.
"Children are our most valuable resource." stated by Herbert Hoover (31st President of USA)

Miyerkules, Oktubre 23, 2013

Post 5: Rape Trauma (with Stories of Rape victim)

For me Rape is most case of women. As a woman this is the worst crime for me because we are talking about virginity and if you lose it you can't bring it back any more. Because having virginity is defining of a clean and discipline women. Every time I heard a story of a women had been raped, it's really emotional because I always think what if that thing would happen to me,it's scared. Right? I don't know what I will do because rape also affect not just your body but also your mind.
Let's have some explanation about rape:

What is Rape? According to the article of Rape Crisis Centre entitled What is Rape or Sexual Assault from the website of Rapecrisiscentre-Glassglow defined that rape is an unwanted sexual behaviour that causes humiliation,  pain, fear, or intimidation and this can include unwanted kissing and touching, forcing, someone to watch sexual 
acts, sexual harassment or forcing a woman into prostitution. Rape must by "by force" implies that violent struggle must have taken place and for many women this is not the case. The threat of violence or death is often used by rapist to force women to comply.

Then, what is Rape Trauma? Rape Trauma syndrome is an anxiety disorder experience by rape victims, it refers to a form of psychological trauma and Post traumatic stress disorder. Rape Trauma Syndrome encompasses the psychological, behavioural, and physical reactions that are common to all sexual assault victims. Defined by the article of RTG Law and Legal Definition by USLegal in the website of definitions.uslegal.

I read an article named Personal Stories of Rape Victim from the website of Christian Answers.

I read all the story that are written in their website but one story that I can relate to myself not because I'm raped but as a college student right now who socialize with my fellow colleagues in APC. Here's her story: She was a freshmen college that time and she live at a dorm. Of-course as a college student you need to be socialize with others. She was invited in a party by her dorm mates so as a teen you want always hang out with your fiends and be happy. So she was very determined and excited to go in a party. They already at the party and enjoy it but her dorm mates abandoned her as soon they stepped through the door, they're like a partiers that squeezed together like sardines with strong alcohol, beer, and with a loud music booming. In the middle of party she wanted to leave but her dorm mate was the only one driving so she has no choice but to sit and wait. While sitting on a couch their was a guy came over, named Roger. Roger talked with her and offered her an alcohol  but she said she's not drinking alcohol so Roger offered her a pepsi and they talk and go to quiet place. And this girl started to can't control herself in sleeping because of pepsi with a mix of drug, so she fell a sleep and Roger raped her. She tried to scream and ask help but she can't control herself.  And eventually her dorm mate found her and brought her to nurse, the nurse found out that she was raped and she was shocked and she feels ashamed, guilty, and frightened. After she found out on what happened to her she went home and spent her time in therapy. So now, she feel better but sometime when she remember about it she felt afraid. - Catja's story
"It was the worst night of my life."  stated by Catja
That story was posted on September 1999. In this age right now it was so scared to trust strangers and go to the party with yourself alone, 1999 was a horrible age of her life but how much more this age, it is more wicked. Right? As a college of this age, every time you are alone in outside you will easily feel the imminent danger in your surroundings because today the world is more wicked and rude. You will feel you're unsafe, danger, and frightened. Specially the girls, their a lot of danger in the world but the most horrible crime in all is being raped and loosing the virginity of a girl by forcing her to have sex. Of course as a girl, it is the only thing that's very important for me as a woman that I can give only to my future husband and being a clean woman . So it's very scared to be alone in a wicked outside of world.

Here's another story of Rape Victim:

I knew this story at Youtube entitled Rape Victim Julie Weil tells shocking story of being attacked  (Rape Victim Interview):
That time Julie Weil is a mother of two kids, a 3 years old girl and 8 months old boy. There at the car because Julie was done picking her child at the school, the car was at the church parking lot. Julie was sitting on the driver's sit while her children is sitting at the back. Then after talking with her friend in front of her car somebody rushed him from behind and hit her  over the head then she and her child started screaming then she fell down after that, the guy and Julie go inside the car  and told her that he is looking for a mother with a child because it was the perfect hostage according to the guy. But for Julie that no mother can leave a child under any circumstances or anything, so she has no choice but to stay with her children in a car. The guy drive the car until they stop at bushes then the guy raped Julie several times and then guy force to watch Julie's children that happening. And the guy made Julie turn around and command Julie that look at your son's eyes, Julie did and the rapist guy said "Every time you look your son's eyes I want you to remember what it feels when I raped you. "  After that happens they go back to the civilization place and raping Julie again and tortured the child in witnessing their mother like that inside her car. Then they go back again in Church parking lot and rapist left them. And Julie file a case at the Police station and after a days the rapist was arrested because of the DNA that seen on Julie's shirt. After that happen to Julie, she supported the law about rape case to pass on Senate and helping rape victims.
"Looking in my son's eyes it took me forever." stated by Julie Weil
Of all the story that I read and watch this is the most horrible, scary, worst rape case that I konw because Julie is not the only victim, her children are involved. Her children witness horrible thing and it's not just horrible but it is seeing your mother in that situation on that you can't understand happening around you. So the child may redirect it until he or she grown up. While Julie's experience is the most worst thing that can happen of being a woman and a mother. Why? Imagine Julie was raped repeatedly and seeing your children suffering, crying, and abusing their innocent mind of seeing their mother has been raped. I don't know what to say but my heart is breaking for Julie and her children and I was so shocked on what the rapist said to Julie. I mean what kind of human is that, he doesn't have conscience with the children. It's hard feeling to know that things happening in this age.

Psychological Effect of Rape:

The emotional trauma caused by rape or sexual assault can be severe and long lasting. The victim may affect in different ways. Each person has different way on how they affect. 

According to the article of America's Mental Health Channel entitled Psychological and Physical Effects of Rape at the website of Healthy Place states that one of the most common psychological consequences of rape is self blame. Victims use self blame as an avoidance coping tool. Others are having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) this are feelings of being anxiety and stress depression, Flashbacks- memories of rape as if it is taking place again, Borderline personality disorder, sleep disorder, eating disorder, guilt, distrust of others, anger, powerlessness, intense emotion, and fears about safety

In that statement states that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, stress depression, and fears are can be the cause of rape that can cause to Rape trauma. And can lead you to psychological disorder that can go to long healing process. Of all  the sickness in this world the hardest sick or disorder can human have is Psychological disorder because even you, can't fight yourself because your sickness or you disorder are controlling you, you can't fight on your own because you are under your mental illness. 

I think this is the hardest research that I've done in my life because this topic is about a woman who lost her virginity in forcing her to have sex and a child that witness his mother sufferings. How many times I change my mind about this topic but because it's hard to select new topic so I choose this topic again. Why is it hard for me to make research on it? Because it's very emotional topic and it makes me scared because I'm a woman and every I google a picture of the rape victim I felt like "Oh God", it's really hard to see woman in that picture has been tortured, raped, and no life any more. I don't know what to say but my heart and my emotion is very heavy. I don't know why I can't control my feelings if I saw that horrible picture of a woman had been raped. As a woman, virginity is the most important thing of being woman because in terms of virginity there is cleanliness and discipline that's why it's very important to us women who understand the true meaning of virginity. Be careful women.

Miyerkules, Oktubre 16, 2013

Post 4: Symptoms of Trauma

It's important to know different symptoms of trauma, because it's hard to talk about your experience and you can't ask the traumatic person of what is her fear or do you have any experience a traumatic event because if you'll ask her she will be scared, can't control herself, and become aggressive cos she remember bad things about her experience. That's why we must know even the basic symptoms of a person who have been traumatized. If we will know about it we can help and understand them. Especially children who suffer from this psychological problems because they can't help themselves to this feeling,because they're too innocent to understand their surroundings that's why they can't help themselves.

According to the article of APA entitled Symptoms of Trauma in the website of Headington-Institute states that trauma reactions may appear quickly in the hours, days, and weeks after the event. Or it maybe delayed trauma reactions, can occur anywhere from several weeks or months to years later. Delayed trauma reactions are sometimes sparked by something that reminds the individual of the original traumatic event.

Trauma reactions tend to change in intensity or character over time and usually subside gradually during the first weeks and months after a traumatic event. Most people who have experience traumatic event will return to a healthy state of functioning eventually but may have lasting vulnerability.

Here are some symptoms of Trauma:

Re-experiencing the event (thoughts, images, daydreams, and nightmares), Feeling upset, distressed, and being anxious,  Feeling Isolate,  Anger or Aggressive behavior,  Feeling numb or empty, Feeling Suicidal, Self harm and and Self destructive, Being easily move to tears, Avoidance of people and places, Panic attacks/anxiety/depressions/mood wings, Feeling distrustful and suspicious/ blaming others, Relationship problems, Being on the alert of danger, Experiencing sleep disturbance, Difficulty concentrating, and  Losing interest.

This causes of Trauma are came from article entitled Symptoms of Trauma by The Veterans' Mental Health Charity in the website of Combat Stress and article of Symptoms of Trauma by APA in the website of Headington Institute.

We must know the symptoms of trauma because if we knew this things we can help others who are suffering from trauma and we can understand their experiences that are going through.  As a person who are very curious about trauma I realize that we, who have already know about this are having big role to the traumatized person because we only can understand the person who traumatized and we only are person who can offer help to them. Every one have a second chance, we only are the  people who can help to open the door of new hope and life to them."
"I am still a little lost but I have found people who are now my family that everyday make things a little better.." stated by Aureus' story 

Martes, Oktubre 15, 2013

Post 3: Children Witnessing Violence

Violence, according to Ministry of Justice in the website of Justice.govt.nc that violence is physical force or power, threatened or actual against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has likelihood of result in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation. The definition should be understood to include physical, sexual, psychological abuse. 

It is an intense, turbulence, or furious and often destructive action or force, and vehement feeling or expressions. There are 3 types of violence: Self-directed violence, Interpersonal violence, and Collective violence.
  • Self-directed violence includes suicidal behavior and self harm. (ex. Suicide)
  • Interpersonal violence includes violence inflicted against one individual by another, or by a small group. (ex. Family and Community violence)
  • Collective violence includes violence inflicted by a large groups such as states, organised political group, military or terrorist group.
Domestic Violence 

I read an article entitled Children- The Hidden Victims of Domestic Violence by Marina Rosa in the website of Hub Pages states that the normal human being's response to trauma are complex changes in brain and body, Fight or Fight response, the impact of trauma may vary from temporary loss of sense of trust and life for others and long term and severe symptoms such as depression, anxiety, phobias, and other, psychological problems.

Childhood exposure to domestic violence is related to higher rate of PSTD and other adverse consequences in childhood and in later life than other "non-personal" traumatic events or act of violence.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)- can affect those  who personally experience the catastrophe, those who witness it, and those who pick up the pieces afterwards, including emergency workers and law enforcement officers. It can even occur in the friend or family members of those who went through the actual trauma.

Events cause in PTSD- The diagnosis of PTSD requires that an individual experience an event that involves a threat to one's own or another's life or physical integrity and that they respond in intense fear, helplessness, or horror.These are example of traumatic events that results in PTSD: natural and man made disasters such as floods; violent crimes such as kidnapping, rape or murder of a parent, sniper fire and school shootings; motor vehicles accidents such as automobile and plane crashes; exposure to community violence; war; peer suicide; and sexual and physical abuse. This information is according to the article entitled PTSD in children and adolescents by National Center for PSTD Fact Sheet in the website of Hidden Hurt.

The Effect of Witnessing Abuse

Many children who witness the abuse of their mothers demonstrate significant behavioral and/or emotional problems including psychosomatic disorders, stuttering, anxiety and fears, sleep disruption, excessive crying and problems at school. Domestic violence or Abuse is highly relevant to the child's present and future well being.

It is said that one of the effect of witnessing abuse is anxiety and fear, which anxiety and fear can become deeper and the result is trauma or phobia to the children. And it said that it can be result in having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which is one of the types of trauma that commonly find in children who witness to the violence.

"People throw around statistics saying that up to 70% or 80%  of children of batterers are also abused. That statistics is wrong. Every child who witness abuse is a victim of abuse. As an abused child, and then as an adult trying to recover, I was far more affected by witnessing the abuse of my mother than I was by the abuse directed toward me" stated by Carla's Story
While making this blog my parents are fighting each other verbally. When I hear their exchanging hurtful words it's becoming worsen, the volume of their voices are higher and higher and the words their using are become worsen so I lost my focus on my blog because I was panicking and my heart beats become faster, I don't know what will I do to them or what will I do to myself because I lost my focus and I was afraid. So I'll just do my blog and wear head phone just to pretend that I don't hear them. My experience is just a mild experience from witnessing violence, I realize that there's more severe experience from witnessing abuse like repetitive fight of parents , I am blessed because I didn't experience it in my life every day and I don't experience it when I was young only now where I can understand happenings in my surroundings and where I can handle myself. 

We must be sensitive in children in every aspects because they're too innocent to understand their surroundings especially we must be sensitive in their emotions. As a person who didn't  study much about this topic, it's really hard to dictate the symptoms of children who have the possibility in PSTD or trauma. Because the symptoms of PSTD to adult are not the same in children so it's hard to know if the child is having a psychological disorder. That's why adults must be more sensitive in children especially parents because children really love their parents and only parents are the ally of the children in this world. Parents are role model of their child. And if this happen to the child when she was young it will reflect to her future. 
"I can't remember the first time he hit me but I can remember the times he did" stated by Jay's Story 

Linggo, Oktubre 13, 2013

Post 2: The After Effect of Meningitis

While making this blog about the causes of trauma, it's unbelievable that their's many aspect why trauma begins not just witnessing or experiencing traumatic event but also having disease. And one of the disease that I discovered is meningitis. Define meningitis.Well I don't have idea about meningitis, all I know is it is kind of disease that makes your skin have a reddish spot? I make research on Google about this. I search the definition and images of it. Seeing the images of person who have meningitis is so disgusting, gross, and I can't take my eyes of seeing that thing not because I insult them but because it's true that you can see in their physical body the effects of viruses of this disease.

Let's have the broaden definition of Meningitis. According to The Free Dictionary by Farlex in the website of Medical Dictionary  that Meningitis is a serious inflammation of meninges, the thin, membranous cover of the brain and the spinal chord. Commonly caused by infection (by bacteria, viruses, or fungi) although  it can be also caused by bleeding into the meninges, cancer disease of immune system, and an inflammatory response to certain types of chemotherapy or other chemical agents.

It is already said that meningitis is came from the word meninges which is another name of membranes which is the part of our brain. And which our  brain controls everything in our body including nervous system which controls our emotion or feelings. And which trauma can be elicit to emotion or feelings.

While reading the difficult birth on the article of Top 10 Causes of Trauma written by Cranio Sacral Therapy Group in the website Cranio Sacral  for my blogpost 1, I saw and read the seventh cause of trauma and that's The After Effect of Meningitis. According to this article that most cases of meningitis are caused by microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites, that spread into the blood and into the Cerebrospinal fluid.

What is Cerebrospinal fluid?  It is a clear fluid that fills the cavities of the brain and covers the surfaces of the brain and spinal chord. It lubricates the tissues and cushions them from  shock and injury.

How does Meningitis affects the brain? According to the article of  How does Meningitis affects the brain? by Brainwashing and the Science of Pain in the website of  The Naked Scientist that their is bacteria physically growing and multiplying in the fluid (Cerebrospinal Fluid) that surrounds the brain. When the infection is over the membranes are often left with the form of scaring which can affect the delicate balance within the head symptoms from headache to epilepsy.

It is really scared to have this disease not just for having trauma or it gonna affect the nervous system and brain but your're gonna have a bacteria or virus on your brain's fluid. 

Because Cerebrospinal fluid have a big purpose on your brain, it circulates nutrients and chemical filtered from the blood and remove waste products from the brain so if it damages from the meningitis bacteria it's really hard to live because you are no just living as person who have disease but it affects you nervous system that controls your emotion and you can't handle yourself  if this gonna happen to you.

I've read an article entitled An Overview of Meningoccocal Meningitis by WebMD Medical Group in the website of  WebMd that about 15 % of those who survive are left with disabilities that include deafness, brain damage, and neurological problems.  Which anxiety is also came from neurological problems and it can lead us from having trauma. Anxiety is a feeling  of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event.

Having this rare disease is like having a scared feeling because imagine you will not just suffer in having this disease or having a traumatic experience during treatment in hospital but you will also suffer in having uncontrollable emotion because the side effects of this disease is neurological problem which can lead you to anxiety and having trauma. It is really important to know everything not just in the aspects of trauma but in all aspects of the rising disease in this world. In this age, the world now becomes more rude and you can't do anything when the world  strikes you. World is not safe place anymore for human. And only yourself is your ally in this world and you, yourself only can overcome everything including trauma and this kind of disease.

My observations while making research about this blog, I notice that their are many severe diseases that are rising in this world  including this meningitis they're not just disease but a disease that affects everything in your body whether your physical body or emotional/mental. It's really scared now in this world that their's many rising problems in the world. I thank God for making my family healthy and not having a severe disease or sickness. In my experience, I didn't have or experience yet a severe disease but I just witness my relative who have disease in their body because my father help them. It's not meningitis but it is cancer in kidney, yes it is not related in trauma but it's just part of my witnessing experience of anybody who suffer in one of the problems that are rising in the world. 

"If you have those signs and symptoms, you ought to get checked out by a doctor" stated by Brainwashing and the Science of Pain.

It is much better if you will have assurance that you have a good health by regular checking out your health by doctor and eating healthy foods. And you must know the following symptoms of the diseases that are easily to spread, as I repeat that you, Yourself is your ally in this world and only by you can start the healing process in any kind of problem that you're experiencing right now whether it is disease or trauma. There is saying that:

"Life is wonderful if you know how to live" stated by Mutya Datul.

Miyerkules, Oktubre 9, 2013

Post 1: How does Trauma Begin?

Each of us have fear. A fear that makes us worries, cry, hysterical feelings, and the feeling that we can't do it on our own. Having fear is the possibility of having trauma. There are many reasons why does trauma begins in human life and why is it hard to recover from it.I'm very curious why trauma doesn't end, why is it hard to recover,how it affects our emotions and nervous system, and why children got trauma even though they're too young to have this or they're too young to understand the traumatic event that they've experience or saw. Having trauma is  like having a fear, not just a fear but a big fear that you can't overcome by your own. In this blog, we will know what's the deepest reason why people or children got trauma not just because of their experience in traumatic event but in other aspects and explanations. 

What is Trauma? The term trauma has been applied in so many context by so many people that it has lost some of it context by so many people that has lost some of its original meaning. According to my research that trauma is used to refer both to negative events that produce distress and to the distress itself. Basically trauma defined as highly stressful event.

Based on "What is Psychological Trauma" by Esther Giller in the website Sidran.Org . A traumatic event or situation creates Psychological trauma when it overwhelms the individual ability to cope and leaves that person fearing death annihilation, mutilation, or psychosis. The individual may feel emotionally, cognitively, and physically overwhelmed.

" The more you believe that you are endangered, the more traumatized you will be " stated by Esther Giller

Ms. Esther Giller has a point that the more you are scared the more you can't overcome your trauma because your not trying to overcome your fear and the more time you can't handle it the more your fear has deepen.

Traumatic event or stressful event such as accidents, natural disasters, crimes, surgeries, deaths, hearing bad news or events, and other violent events. It maybe repetitive experience such as child abuse, neglect, combat, urban violence, bullying, battering relationships, and many more. May you feel abuse of power, betrayal of trust, entrapment, helplessness, pain, confusion, and/or loss.

The earlier the trauma, the more impact of effect. The more it's hard to heal or overcome. It can affect you entire life cause your life are not moving, you just stuck up and you don't know how to start again without having trauma. Because you can't help yourself from this feelings. Even you can't ask help by your own because your scared. That's why it's very important to know the different aspects of having trauma especially children.

My observations to the traumatic people are: actually it's not observation but it is a question like why they can't handle that?, why they have fear about that?, and why they can't recover fast?. That the question in my mind about people who have trauma. I wanna know everything cause I'm curious. While on my experience: For living 17 years in the world I never experience yet that feeling or having a severe trauma. Maybe mild trauma only because of fear again. Like the recent happen in me, is I got sick for 2 days then when I realize that I was healed then I decided to go school tomorrow. I thought that I was totally healed but I'm wrong when class was done that was the start that my sick was return to my body so now I got trauma or I am afraid now because I have worries in my mind that what if in the middle of class my sick might back.. So now every time I go to school I always bring medicine. Because I don't want to get sick anymore inside school.

While researching the causes of trauma, I found an article entitled " Can a Difficult Birth Create Psychological Problems Later? " by Lorri Craig (the Psychologist) in the website Lorry Craig . It caught my attention because imagine difficult birth can affect personality of a child. Well, according to his/her article: Imagine being fetus. Imagine floating comfortably in the warm, soft, dark, fluid space of you mother's womb, during in and out of sleep, surrounded by muffled sound and heartbeats. Then imagine the sudden being shocked of being awakened, and pushed and squeezed into harsh, stark, noisy outside world, amid your mother's pained shrieks, racing heart, and adrenalin charged  system. And added distressed on the newborn infant being removed from mother for emergency treatment: the infant's or hers.

"As a clinician, whenever I am presented with a highly anxious, angry, op-positional child, I always ask the parents about the child's trauma history, including their birth experience, Actually I do this with my adult clients too" stated by Lorri Craig

In his/her article said that children who have experience traumatic birth are tend to be aggressive and anxious. It can affect their nervous system, which nervous system is the controller of our emotions and psychological behavior. And according to the "Open Source Cranio" article by Cranio Sacral Therapy Group in the website Cranio Sacral  that the first few minutes after birth is very important to the new born baby. The baby needs bond with its mother. If it is deprived that is contact it can cause lots of different conditions from low community to behavioral problems to fearful disposition.

There's many reason why people got trauma and one of the common reason is experiencing or witnessing traumatic events. But their is deepest reason why we got trauma and difficult birth is one of this. It is important to know other aspects of having trauma because it can lead us to start of healing process. It's unbelievable that difficult birth affect the person's personality. I think Obstetricians must be more sensitive not because new born babies are sensitive but in psychological effect of birth. Because if once person are on the outside world is the start of developing personality from his/her experience.